Legal Notice


International SA is a commercial company under French law, with a capital of 1 000 000 €, whose registered office is located 12-16 Rue Sarah Bernhardt – 92600 Asnières sur Seine, France, registered under 789 800 901 R.C.S Nanterre.


Lisa Klingstedt


Amazon Web Services
Corporate Name: Amazon CS Ireland Ltd
Address: Unit 27 – 6400 Cork Airport Business Park – Kinsale Road – Ireland
Amazon CS Ireland Ltd is a company of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) group, whose headquarters are located at Inc. P.O/ Box 81226 – Seattle, WA 98108-1226, tel: (206) 266-4064 fax: (206) 266-7010
Server location zone: Paris, France (eu-west-3).


The HYGECO website is powered by Magento 2.

In addition, the formatting of this site required the use of external sources for which we have acquired the rights or for which the rights of use are open:
Concept / technical and functional specifications / design / layout / communication partnership : AntheDesign


The site has been the subject of a normal declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL).

The information collected is subject to computer processing in order to manage unsolicited applications or following a job or internship offer. The recipients of the data are the managers of HYGECO and the heads of the human resource department. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you, which you may claim for by sending an e-mail. You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.


HYGECO and/or its partners are the exclusive holders of all intellectual property rights relating to both the structure and the content of the site throughout the world. HYGECO grants the user the right to reproduce all or parts of the content of the site to store, for the purpose of representation on a single-user screen and reproduction, in one copy, for backup copy or printout on paper. This right is granted for strictly personal, private and non-collective use, any networking, redistribution or marketing of all or parts of this content to third parties, in any form whatsoever, being strictly prohibited.

Notwithstanding the reproduction and storage rights as strictly defined above, and without the prior and express authorisation of HYGECO, the Internet user is prohibited from reproducing and/or using the trademarks and logos present on the website, as well as from modifying, copying, translating, reproducing, selling, publishing, exploiting and distributing in digital or other format, all or part of the information, texts, photos, images, videos and data present on this website. Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law. Only short quotations justified by the scientific or informative nature of the work in which they are incorporated are authorised (Art. L 122-4, L 122-5 and L 335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code).


This site contains information made available by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by HYGECO. The content made available on the site is provided for information purposes. The existence of a link from this site to another site does not constitute a validation of this site or its content. It is up to the Internet user to use this information with discernment and a critical mind. HYGECO cannot be held liable for information, opinions and recommendations made by third parties.


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